单词 dim up 例句大全,用单词dim up造句:

The switch can dim the lights up.
Sleep under the dim moonlight, never wake me up.
在黯淡的月光下沉睡, 永远也不要叫醒我。
Rubbed its sleepy eyes dim, but unwilling to get up, but curled up in the quilt.
揉揉朦胧的睡眼, 却不愿起身, 只是蜷缩在被子里。
During the first scene, which begins early in the morning, we'll dim the lights up.
在第一场, 剧中是清晨来到时, 我们要使灯光渐亮。
He walked out into the dim hall and picked up the hat he had dropped on the doorsill.
I gave myself up for lost in the depth of a glad humiliationin the shadow of a dim delight.
He constantly reads in the dim light, to the detriment of his eyesight. He sits up very late to the detriment of his health.
他常常熬夜, 这对他的健康不利。无损于
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