单词 draw into 例句大全,用单词draw into造句:

They draw a loaf of bread, which is sliced, then put into a toaster.
Divide the class into two teams. Then draw 2 ovals shapes on the board.
Draw the eyepiece towards you and the object will come into sharp focus
你把目镜凑近些, 物体就会变得特别清晰。
Let old dreams fade into the night, so new ones can rise with the draw.
让旧梦随夜幕退去, 这样, 新梦便与黎明俱升。
In addition to lifting your kneecaps, draw them into your knees strongly.
Rag doll This tiny tot has been left stuffed into the kitchen tea towel draw
The deer bounded into the forest before the hunters could draw a bead on them.
猎人还未瞄准, 那些鹿就跳回森林里去了。
When Latchkey Faerie comes into play, if its prowl cost was paid, draw a card.
God's Spirit has been sent into my heart to draw it up to God in childlike faith.
神的灵奉差遣进入我心中, 要引导我以孩子般的信心靠近神。
A small group was seen to draw apart from the others and move off into the forest.
Draw out a brand cloth thread by thread to decompose it then screw up into a ball.
Specially developed cowls direct air into the building, and also draw used air out.
一种特制的罩可以将空气导入大楼, 也可以将废气排出大楼。
First to draw blood was John, who gallantly climbed into the boat and held Starkey.
Chondroitin is believed to help draw fluid into the cartilage, making it more flexible.
软骨素被认为有助于软骨吸收液体, 使之更加柔软灵活。
If you would draw a card, you may instead put the top card from the pile into your hand.
Its new duties could draw it into political fights that could compromise its independence.
and I will scatter a third part into all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them.
我必将三分之一分散四方, 并要拔刀追赶他们。
Will slow fire on the medicinal steam, and then to suppress drug Draw Frame into tortillas.
将上药用文火蒸熟, 然后将药调匀压制成小饼。
Winners may be picked at random or names may go into a draw and a winner picked accordingly.
The strange man tried to blackmail the clerk into helping him draw the money, but he failed.
But as you draw those thumbnails, you can start to inject the principles of animation into them.
To draw the etiquette into the laws, to make the morality legalized and to make the law confucianized.
They will be divided into four pots for the draw according to a coefficient decided by past European results.
Draw for yourself water for the siege! Strengthen your fortresses! Go into the clay, and tread in the mortar! Make the brick kiln ready!
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单词 draw into 释义

  • 单词释义:(火车或汽车)到站;徐徐进站;把…拉进;吸引进  [更多..]



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