单词 drilled well 例句大全,用单词drilled well造句:

When was the first offshore oil well drilled ?
In this area a new well has been drilled by us.
There ever has not drilled the well since 2001.
The crew successfully drilled in a deep well of more than 6000 metres.
I still remember the day on which we drilled the first well over here.
By the end of last week, we had drilled this well for a year and a half.
到上周末为止, 这口井我们已经钻了一年半了。
After a long time of working hard, what they drilled turned out to be a dry well.
忙了半天, 打出的却是口干井。
As the well is being drilled, formation fluid flows into the wellbore and up to the surface.
作为被钻的井, 其地层流体流出井身可能会涨至表面。
Party A with totle drilling cost, contract wildcat to be drilled to artesian well contractor.
甲方以总成本, 将油井承包给钻井承包商钻探。
Drilling Technology of the First Medium Curvature Horizontal Well Drilled in Sandstone Reservoir of Huabei Oilfield
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