单词 economic advance 例句大全,用单词economic advance造句:

advance economic restructuring
If I were seriously ill, i might get all economic items arranged in advance.
若我生重病, 我会先作好各样经济安排。
Increasing yield per unit and off take rate to advance general economic benefits of swine production
The unification of Monetary System of Qin dynasty didn't help advance economic development at that time.
Carry out the Ecological Project of Substituting Small Hydropower for Fuel Help Advance Rural Economic Development
Its technical indexes and economic norms are in advance of or approximate to that of natural anthracite block and coke.
It was first in the last quarter of the 19th century that the real advance was made in the study of economic entomology.
Violation of Contract in Advance and Destabilizing Defence and its Significance in the Improvement of China's Economic Contract Law
Advance together with the age, grasp the opportunity, spare no pains to promote fast development of foreign economic relations and trade
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