单词 ellip 例句大全,用单词ellip造句:

Leaf blade elliptic to lanceolate abaxial surface indumentum cinnamon.
Leaf blade narrowly oblong, rarely lanceolate or elliptic, abaxial surface with whitish indumentum.
叶片狭长圆形, 很少披针形或椭圆形, 背面具带白色。
Geometric data of ellipse in hyperbolic space are considered, such as perimeter and mean absolute curvature.
The sound absorbing bar body can be in a cylinder shape, or an elliptic cylinder shape or a prism shape.
the acceleration toward the center that holds a satellite in elliptical orbit.
The moon around the earth for elliptical motion, accompanied by Earth's revolution around the sun.
月球环绕地球作椭圆运动, 并伴随地球绕太阳公转。
Accordingly the place of any occurrence ellipse, the circle all can appear.
因此任何出现椭圆的地方, 圆均可以出现。
The circular cross section turns into ellipse as the ratcheting strain accumulates.
Accumulation of metals in a clam Anodonta woodiana elliptica bred in Dianchi lake water.
The Five Ridges with south the commonnest help advance somebody's career kind of cumquat, fruit is elliptic, pi Tian flesh is acerbity.
五岭以南最常见的栽培种金橘, 果椭圆形, 皮甜肉酸。
Effects of electric field on cell lamellipodia and actin cytoskeleton organization of vascular smooth muscle cell
We are interested in elliptical galaxies acting as lenses, in particular, those with dispersion velocity measurement.
我们对椭圆星系透镜有兴趣, 尤其是有速度测量的。
This is because elliptical galaxies dont actively create new stars.
A simple filled circle. Using nonequal values for the point will give you an actual ellipse.
Petals longelliptic, apex acuminate, incurved.
花瓣长椭圆形, 先端渐尖, 弯曲。
Leaves unifoliate, leaflet elliptic or ovate, acute or acuminate.
花单生或数枚生叶腋花小, 花瓣白色5枚, 向外开展
Leaves narrowly elliptic or ovatelanceolate, apex short acuminate, base attenuate.
披针形叶狭椭圆形或卵形, 先端短使尖锐, 基部渐狭。
Leaf blade ovate or ovateelliptic, apex acute.
叶片卵形的或卵状椭圆形, 先端锐尖。
Perianth lobes usually 4, elliptic to widely ovate, apex acute or truncate.
花被裂片通常4, 椭圆形到宽卵形, 先端锐尖或截形。
Adaptive Learning Control Strategy for Autonomous Rendezvous of Spacecrafts on Elliptical Orbit.
Ellipsis is mainly translated by means of keeping the original, adding. omission, etc.
英汉互译时, 要通过保留, 增删等手段在译文中实现有效转换。
The ellipsoidal curved surface of each semiellipsoid is adjacent to the junction surface and the bottom surface.
This can afford the theoretical and experimental proof for adjusting ellipsometer rapidly.
Corona lobes elliptic, adnate to base of gynostegium.
Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves, Joseph H. Silverman

单词 ellip 释义

  • 单词释义:elliptic 椭圆形的;elliptical 椭圆的;省略的;elliptically 椭圆地  [更多..]



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