单词 foot end 例句大全,用单词foot end造句:

Therefore, seven foot long tiger end.
Basis front end is called the wall foot.
I didn't know you were at the end of that foot.
The save right at the end, with her foot, was top drawer.
At the end of it stood a mountain with a small cave on the foot.
树林的尽头是一座山, 山脚下有个小洞。
The jumper's foot must not mark beyond the takeoff line end of board.
In the end they had to amputate his foot to free him from the wrecked car.
Calling for an end to continuous shear, simple foot switch can be loosened.
要求结束连续剪切, 只需把松开即可。
With your current foot technique you'll end up trashing them in no time anyway.
以你当下的脚步技术, 绝对很快就能废掉一双好鞋。
At the foot of the building are covered roof decoration faster than at the end.
楼房都在山脚盖, 装修楼顶比底快。
Catches when the mouse cannot startled run themouse, the foot end lives has the sharp fingernail.
After my end reviewed 1 time, the double foot be one Deng and the body start to fly and jump into clough.
我最后温习了一遍之后, 双足一蹬, 身子飞起, 跃入深谷之中。
and the end head on the other end of the right ruler is connected with a bow compass drawing foot through a locking nut.
And there she was with her bandaged stump of a left foot still wrapped in the fresh bandages with dry blood red at the end.
The foot lug bosses can be platforms or the front end parts of the foot lug bosses are slopes and the back end parts are platforms
Applied anatomy of dorsalis pedis cutaneous flap pedicled with medial dorsalis pedis cutaneous nerves and vessels repairing the defect of distal end of foot
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单词 foot end 释义



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