单词 for action 例句大全,用单词for action造句:

Comprehensive review and appraisal of the implementation of the Platform for Action.
In this regard, we commend the Hyogo Framework for Action and its programme of work.
Motion is often a trigger for action, as when your finger clicks button on your mouse.
当你的手指点击你的鼠标时, 动机常常是你行为的导火索。
The scientific evidence which underpins calls for action at Copenhagen is very strong.
Early warning is identified as a priority for action in the Hyogo Framework for Action.
In Lesotho a concrete plan of action has been adopted to achieve education for all by2013.
In Lesotho a concrete plan of action has been adopted to achieve education for all by2015.
Global Action on Aging is accredited to the United Nations Department for Public Information.
I suggest that you temporarily submit to others, and wait for the proper time to take action.
The meeting agreed on a coordinated agenda for action and the associated implementation plan.
We call for the immediate cessation of hostilities and for dialogue to replace military action.
A true leader has a bias for action, and a degree of impatience with the current order of things.
真正的领导者偏爱行动, 对当前的秩序有些不耐烦。
The system of the civil capacity for action is the important content of the civil subject system.
The development community has confirmed the Millennium Development Goals as our framework for action.
Your request for the loan of additional personnel is still under consideration for appropriate action.
你请求借用增加人员一案, 正在核办中。
Please also find following contact person for ironmongery and door supplier captioned for your action.
The uncertainty surrounding climate change argues for action, not inaction. America should lead the way
And as we all begin to come back to that basic understanding, new opportunities for action begin to emerge.
Lagos Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Monrovia Strategy for the Economic Development of Africa.
A draft strategy for mine action in Burundi has been prepared and is currently being circulated for comments.
已经草拟了布隆迪排雷行动战略, 目前正在分头征求意见。
Be ready for action Eg British and American warships are standing by to evacuate their citizens if necessary.
英美军舰已经处于准备状态, 以便在必要时撤走侨民。
Objective To study action of Juantong decoction on sedative action, provide evidence for clinic relieving pain.
Otherwise, the active carbon for alcoholic beverages is provided with ageing and ripening action for new liquor.
同时, 酒用炭对新酒有老熟陈化作用。
Talking about three piece of important work of consolidating achievement for suppress counterrevolutionary action
The fact that hydrogen can accelerate the hydrogenation of DHN is thought to be the main reason for its inhibiting action on the dehydrogenation of tetralin.
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