单词 barker 例句大全,用单词barker造句:

I looksintosmine and see navel fluff, said Barker, whose ambition is to collect enough navel pickings to stuff a pillow.
Without more ado Barker borrowed a knife from his brigade major and honed it on a carborundum stone as coolly as a butcher.
Barker said that the game may not follow traditional fantasy MMO conventions, and that the genre may almost be an afterthought.
The pay as you go model will not disappear, ' says Paul Barker, a Freeserve spokesman, ' but we expect most people to migrate over.'
During testimony intended to show the judge that Barker could be rehabilitated, Barkers fellow soldiers described weeks with little support and sleep while manning distant checkpoints.
在早前的证词中, 巴克尔描述了他们强奸伊拉克少女的细节。

单词 barker 释义

  • 单词释义:n.剥树皮工,剥皮机,发出似狗吠的人,杂耍、戏院前叫喊招揽观众的人  [更多..]



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