单词 carrie 例句大全,用单词carrie造句:

Carrie scarcely noticed that this was the beginning of the new order.
Carrie instantly brightened up, thinking he had meant it as a rebuke.
Are the information of online Carrie and themselves they accorded with
Under the influence of Carrie's announcement he brightened up somewhat.
During the acts Carrie found herself listening to him very attentively.
it served, however, to augment Carrie's dissatisfaction with her state.
Carrie hugged herself when next evening the lines got the same applause.
Carrie felt this to contain, in some way, an aspersion upon her ability.
Ames was looking away again, and Carrie was again looking at his forehead.
艾姆斯又转眼望去, 嘉莉又看着他的额头。
Carrie was too much astonished and delighted to think of mentioning forty.
However Carrie Ng broke Ultimate Vampire a breath moment I still remember.
不过, 幸有吴家丽破了最凶猛的一次例, 看得差点眩晕。
Carrie could not help listening with amusement to his animated descriptions.
It was effected by the arrival of Oeslogge, personally, when Carrie was there.
这是由奥斯拉格亲自上门讨债而引发的, 当时嘉莉也在家中。
It is the lifting of the burden of toil.Sister Carrie gazed out of the window.
Yeah, Carrie and I agreed to meet on the tennis court. Do you want to come, too
是的, 凯莉和我约好在网球场见, 你也来吗?
Yeah, Carrie and I agreed to meet on the tennis court. Do you want to come, too.
The short gentleman turned about towards Carrie, and she arose and came forward.
Shortly afterward he departed, and Carrie prepared for her meeting with Hurstwood.
It blew up cold after a rain one afternoon when Carrie was still without a jacket.
一天下午雨后起了寒风, 当时嘉莉还没有外套。
Carrie found her purse bursting with good green bills of comfortable denominations.
Carrie did not stir at the words. She was bound up completely in the man's atmosphere.
嘉莉听了这话一动也没动, 她被这个男人创造的气氛迷住了。
Carrie did not make their acquaintance, but she saw the daughter coming in and going out.
Buffett assistant Carrie Kizer confirmed that Buffett recorded the video at Li's request.
嘉莉凯泽巴菲特的助手证实, 巴菲特记录在李的要求视频。
Carrie noticed that both of these articles of apparel were old and poor looking in appearance.
嘉莉注意到他这两件穿戴的东西都已经旧了, 看上去很寒酸。
There were long notices in praise of the quality of the burlesque, touched with recurrent references to Carrie.
有些长篇评论称赞这出滑稽剧的演出质量, 一再提到嘉莉。

单词 carrie 释义

  • 单词释义:n.卡丽(Caroline的昵称)(f.)  [更多..]



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