单词 defecate 例句大全,用单词defecate造句:

Results All patients in both groups had no hemorrhage, abnormal defecate anti anal straitness after operation.
Want to maintain defecate unobstructed, lest defecate exerts oneself to do sth. when aggravating heart burden.
要保持大便通畅, 以免大便用力时加重心脏负担。
In defecate of micturition of patient of the enjoin before enema, in order to drop celiac pressing and clean bowel line.
The most arrogant is, because the toilet is honest too disgusting, have one enchanter does not have defecate 1 week actually!
最牛的是, 因为厕所实在太恶心了, 有一妖人竟然1周没有大便!
Defecate color is light, the capacity is much, submit grease form or spumescent, chang Fu has effluvial taste more at surface.
Lotus lotus root Contamination of path of can cleared bowel, prevent defecate to harden, stimulate alvine wall, prevent constipation.
Young puppies and kittens that defecate outdoors contribute most to contamination of soil by eggs that must incubate for some time in the soil.

单词 defecate 释义



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