单词 owing to 例句大全,用单词owing to造句:

People tend to use telegraph service much less than before owing to more advanced communicative means.
因为信息技术越来越发达, 人们越来越少使用电报业务。
In particular, children who might be affected by measles owing to other diseases need to be inoculated.
The residues of sulphites in products differ owing to the different processing method and adding amounts.
Clinical Analysis of Acute Paramedian Pontine Infarctions Owing to Branch Atheromatous Disease in 82 Cases
Owing to the large number of the application, enrollment to AMS membership will be cease until further notice.
Tianjin is known as the World Museum of Architecture due tohistorical reasons. Owing to because of on the grounds of.
Anteromedial or anterocentral bone impingement owing to osteophytes at the anterior ankle joint can exacerbate the condition.
Owing to the limited export tax rebate plan, the departments of state taxes shall not relax the examination and approval work.
在出口退税计划有限的情况下, 不放松审核, 审批工作。
Under the accusation of accepting bribery, Becon retired to write books, owing to his deep belief that luck rather than virtue determine history.
又被控告纳贿而隐居著书, 深信运气而非德行决定历史。
Owing to the protection by the cell wall, we could enhanced markedly the impulse amplitude and duration in causing the membrane breakdown of the intact cells.
对完整细胞作电击穿操作, 可大大提高脉冲的幅度和时程。
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单词 owing to 释义

  • 单词释义:由于,因为;多亏  [更多..]



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