单词 owing to 例句大全,用单词owing to造句:

The accident was owing to careless driving.
Owing to ill health, he is not so active as before.
Delivery extension owing to the American wharf strike.
Owing to the high temperature, special alloys are used.
由于温度高, 要用特殊合金。
Owing to a previous engagement, I shan't be able to come.
Owing to a strange mental aberration he forgot his own name.
由于一种莫名的精神错乱, 他把自己的名字忘了。
He is now, owing to ill health, not so active in social work.
由于身体欠佳, 他现在较少参加社会活动了。
Owing to an accident to the machine, one workshop was closed down.
由于机器发生了事故, 一个车间停产了。
Owing to heavy commitment, we cannot advance shipment of your order.
Owing to the rain the garden party did not take place as advertised.
Owing to heavy commitments, we cannot advance shipment of your order.
Owing to our joint efforts, the task was fulfilled ahead of schedule.
由于我们的共同努力, 任务提前完成了。
A college stadium slope owing to site grading arouses numerous landslides.
It was all owing to his too affectionate nature, which craved for admiration.
这都是因为他生性太重感情, 渴望得到孩子们的敬慕。
They have a yellowish color owing to the accumulation of elastin in the media.
The dearth of genius in America is owing to the continual teasing of mosquito.
Where to go to , owing to, harmoniously amicable , be full of a lease of life.
走到哪里, 都是和睦友好, 充满生机。
I dont anticipate any problem as I leave30 days owing to me from my annual leave.
Nursing Intervention Early on Elderly Patients with Dysphagia Owing to Acute Stroke
The progress of negotiation between the two sides has slowed down owing to their absence.
Owing to ultramafites coming from mantle, it contains abundant deep information of geology.
Owing to the advance in the cost, we shall have to raise our prices in the immediate future.
I am very sorry to apprise you that I am unable to attend school today owing to a stomachache.
很抱歉, 我因患胃病今天不能到校。
The ambiguity function calculating could be in realtime owing to synchronization characteristic.
由于同步特性, 模糊函数的计算能够做到实时。
Survival by labor cost advantage to increase owing to the vitality of enterprises with a crisis.
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