单词 own up 例句大全,用单词own up造句:

Beat perhaps learn to give up some of their own, even if separated from a distance.
Moreover, when you fumble, be accountable for your actions and own up to the error.
此外, 当您摸索, 负责为您的行动和自己的错误行动。
Apart from that I have my own reputation to keep up and I don't want you disgracing me.
When you distill your own liquor, sometimes you end up with a bad batch, whispered Tom.
All orders, including your own, have already been made up and are now awaiting despatch.
He created his own form, piled up bricks, and finished up, making a kiln all by himself.
他重新设计自己的模型, 砌砖, 并亲自建造了炉窑。
Accession to the WTO is China's own needs for reform, opening up and economic development.
Allocate time for looking busy, time for picking up the gossip and time for your own affairs.
将时间分配用来假装忙碌, 收集闲话和处理个人私事。
Hereafter see own very of kid, see that bludger guard a gate in a little while to block up up.
以后看好自己的孩子, 看到那个混混就赶快把门给堵上。
You can drink your coconut water chilled on its own or add a squeeze of lime to brighten it up.
Both in public and in his own home he must again set himself up as the incarnation of authority!
在社会上, 在家庭中, 他必须仍旧是一个威严神圣的化身!
It's a habit you might want to consider in order to build up your own little storehouse of cash.
Simultaneously, the House of Representatives will attempt to come up with its own draft of a bill.
与此同时, 众议院将尝试采用其自己的法案初稿。
I don't think anybody put that kitten on that pig. I think that kitten got up there all on his own.
Finally, as the sun was coming up, Jean took his own stiff bones home, cleaned up and went to work.
It is passible to build up faith in oneself by having the right attitude towards ones own abilities.
It is passible to build up faith in oneself by having the right attitude towards ones own abilities.
It is passible to build up faith in oneself by having the right attitude towards ones own abilities.
Yahoo will continue his own search index props up operation and Panama searches advertisement system.
Though there were lots of obstructions from various aspects, he never gave up creating his own business.
When he returned, he set up his own laboratory with the several strains of bacteria he brought with him.
回国后, 他用带回来的几个菌群建立了自己的实验室。
You should own no book that you are afraid to mark up, or afraid to place on the table, wide open and face down.
你害怕做上记号的书, 或者不敢摊开。
The role that imitation played in corporate development is something that several Jinjiang companies freely own up to.
He began wandering about for his living at the age of fifteen and ten years later he managed to set up his own career as an actor.
The risk is that the factory will end up undermining its own purpose and besmirch both the Catholic Church and the profusion of candidates queuing up for sainthood.
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