单词 selling price 例句大全,用单词selling price造句:

Sales model from selling goods for the state to factory price direct sale.
A price level above which prices tend not to rise due to selling pressure.
The amount by which the purchase price of an asset exceeds the selling price.
the amount by which the selling price of an asset exceeds the purchase price.
The selling price is difficult to assess as the obsolete stock haven't been sold.
The German solid match enhances the gas phase law white carbon black selling price
Until that happens, they will be limited to selling to consumers shopping on price.
I don't admire others reaping by arbitrage. I never regret not selling at high price.
我既不羡慕别人的套利收获, 也不后悔自己没有趁势高卖。
After the discount, the actual selling price than it is now about your Wuliu Bai yuan.
The purchase price being higher than the selling price is temporary for this commodity.
Some Considerations of Governing the Behavior of Selling China's Export Goods at Low Price
Profit would come from selling a lot of them cheaply, not servicing a few at a great price.
They cleaned up a tidy sum by selling their tickets at a high price just before the concert.
在音乐会开始之前, 他们高价出售门票, 赚了不少钱。
Its tax base is residential, rather than the difference between the selling and buying price.
As a buyer, I would love to see a shop insisting on selling merchandise to me at a lower price.
作为买家, 我很乐意商家坚持以低价把商品卖给我。
Instead wholesalers, betting on future price hikes, started storing diesel instead of selling it.
Therefore, the small displacement vehicle's tax adjustment does not mean that selling price certainly to reduce.
所以, 小排量车的消费税调整并不意味着销售价一定降低。
Please select which of the following range is the reasonable selling price for a box of new flavor of snowy mooncake
最新推出的盒装冰皮月饼, 你认为最合理售价是多少?
Article 1 The power selling price shall be set by the government under uniform policies and gradation administration.
In consignment trade for other company,fees are also calculated as net price amount by selling price deduce purchase price.
Tax official in consignment trade for other company, fees are also calculated as net price amount by selling price deduce purchase price.
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