单词 play on 例句大全,用单词play on造句:

A drummer began to play on his instrument preparatory to the singing.
一位鼓手开始弹奏起乐器, 为唱歌作好准备。
Such a play on emotions could of course be depicted in different ways.
Acting in a play, on the other hand, was considered socially demeaning.
Play armor, weapon, and item cards on your hero only, not on ally cards.
Americans play small tricks on friends and strangers on April Fool's Day.
To Bring Every Positive Factor into Play on the Basis of Material Benefit
Click play on the Timeslider playback controls to play back the animation.
单击时间标尺播放按钮, 播放动画。
Pitch follower play a pitch on a piezo speaker depending on an analog input.
Click play on the Time Slider's playback control to play back the animation.
Play, on the other hand, requires dedication, persistence, skill, and effort.
They needed to play on intuition and gut feel as much as calculated precision.
We didn't have time to play on the beach or in the streets with the other kids.
England play minnows Andorra on Saturday and Macedonia on Wednesday 6 September.
One day, she went to the park to play on the swing and saw a cute black squirrel.
有一天她到公园荡秋千, 看到了一只可爱的黑松鼠。
Players play on confidence and he seems to be buzzing with confidence at the moment.
He was so pleased with his bike and he has been itching to get outside and play on it.
To allege that the UN has no role to play on development is an obvious misunderstanding.
认为联合国在发展问题上无所作为, 这显然是一种误解。
I can see through your little game, ie am aware of the trick you are trying to play on me.
On the one hand, bad people and bad things are bad, but on the other they can play a good role.
Play on your sensitive finger pads, your finger pads help you make sumptuous, controlled tones.
用你敏感的手指肉垫弹琴帮助你产生丰富, 自己控制的音响。
Often Jackson coolly let his players play on and work out their problems in the flow of the game.
Typo pirates play on the names of famous sites to collect authentication and registration information.
The minimum and maximum bets are dependant upon the individual table and casino that you choose to play on.
The football team which has the ball goes into a buddle before every play to get orders on what play they will use.
Milan does not play on the counterattack but we have to be more prudent in coming forward and not give so much away.
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单词 play on 释义

  • 单词释义:演奏…;在…玩;(使)在…荡漾;对…加以利用  [更多..]



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