单词 play around 例句大全,用单词play around造句:

After school, before going home, we play basketball again for around 20 minutes.
Obviously the children play along around in these camps if and it is a challenge.
And I brought one of those as well that you can play around with outside afterward.
Secondly, the game is extremely short one play through will last around half an hour.
The play will be performed first in the capital, and will then tour around the country.
You can let the fly play a little video game by letting it fly around in a visual display.
你可以让玩苍蝇玩一个小视频游戏 让它在显示器周围飞
The park superintendent has agreed to put up a fence around the children's play area to keep dogs out.
Hopefully this time around I won't have anything like that and I can continue to play a consistent amount of games.
Fortunately,I was still around and it was not difficult to deal with the matter. Of course,I was not the only one to play a role.
The players were able to laze around the hotel and play their group computer games.On Monday evening they organised an outing to a local cinema to see Borat.All but a handful went.
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