单词 playing card 例句大全,用单词playing card造句:

Did you do the bit with the silk cloth and the playing card?
I like collecting cards and playing card games with my friends.
In earlier days, the church proscribed dancing and card playing.
Ed We caught her playing three card Monty on fifty Eighth Street.
艾德我们在58街, 看到她在赌纸牌。
a playing card or domino or die whose upward face shows four pips.
Deuce a playing card having two spots or the side of a die bearing two pips.
二点有两个点的纸牌, 骰子有两点的一面。
Multiple display and card playing options to suit your individual preference.
多种显卡和游戏卡片选择, 以符合你的个人喜好。
The new device is a silicon wafer about the shape and size of a playing card.
Make the sticker with message appear at the FRONT or BACK of ANY playing card!
Tips on using shimmed playing cards with the pen as a means to locate a spectators card.
a trading card with a picture of a baseball player and information about his playing record.
A participant is invited to sit down on the mystery card and is shown a deck of shuffled playing cards.
You should show your ID card or other certificates while playing in the hippo aquatic world to prove that card is your own.
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