单词 order up 例句大全,用单词order up造句:

Jim checked out some books from the library in order to bone up on physics.
Party A should put up payment order in every quarter before 1 st to party B.
Thanks your order but minimum quantity stipulate 2000 y d s otherwise 18c up.
The truth is, in order to be a Christ follower, you need to give up everything.
而事实是, 若要成为基督的追随者, 你需要放下一切。
The students boiled the midnight oil in order to mug up those facts and numbers.
You can set a good till date of up to a maximum of30 calendar days for the order.
Closely follow up each outsourcing order and get quality parts delivered on time.
In the beginning you could have taken the left foot up. There was no binding order.
开始你可以抬起左脚, 没有任何的限制。
In order to dream, breaking the children are willing to pay are willing to give up.
为了梦, 破小孩愿意付出愿意放弃。
Check up accounts for order with dealers to ensure payments are accurate and timely.
与经销商核对订单帐目, 保证付款的准确和及时。
The numbers of each relay team please line up according to the order of the stations.
As women age, many like to wear make up in order to retain their youthful appearance.
为了保有年轻的外貌, 许多女人一上年纪就喜欢化妆。
In order to quit dad's smoke, racking my brains, total came up with three his sleeve.
为了戒掉爸爸的烟, 我绞尽脑汁, 共想出了三条妙计。
People often put money aside in order to save up enough to make one major expenditure.
The carborundum boards must be put straightly and in good order, avoid being piled up.
Therefore, in order to guard against the impact, vibration, but light to light up Canal.
The shill bid for the expensive carpet during the auction in order to drive the price up.
In order to transform their environment, he drew up the project with painstaking accuracy.
Responsible for following up on existing quotes, sample requests and asking for the order.
负责跟踪报价, 样品, 定单进展状况。
In order to keep up appearances, they borrowed a lot of money to give a big wedding party.
To clamber up the pecking order, some people slave away nights and weekends at the office.
He later sought an extension of the custody order for a further period of up to six months.
You will surely be published for breaking up the positive order and fair principles in life.
Sports Ministry officers to pick up the tie game order to maintain order and assist records.
The company agreed to keep up high levels of output in order to compensate for supplies lost.
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单词 order up 释义

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