单词 order bit 例句大全,用单词order bit造句:

Perhaps you should have made the order a bit earlier.
Bit by bit, the unconscious must be integrated in order to ascend.
渐渐的, 无意识为了提升而被整合。
Fill it bed to bed with bit, in order to Prevent air bladder appear.
It has changed the traditional design order in checking the diameter of bit.
These sound like impressive milestones. But a bit of perspective is in order.
这些听上去像是值得瞩目的转捩点, 但且看以下剖析。
The prime minister should do his bit for the building trade and order a bigger sink.
It takes quite a bit of practice in order to be skilled at both speed and endurance.
She is of the generation and hauteur that would think all mail order items are a bit squalid.
她那代人很自大, 会认为所有邮购商品都有些肮脏。
A bit stream representing the chapters is a sequential order is created from the digital file.
For the first two billion years or so the rate of increase in complexity must have been of the order of one bit of information every hundred years.
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