单词 order to 例句大全,用单词order to造句:

Objects in order to synchronize access to.
To Beat a man in order to extort a confession
To satirize one in order to admonish a hundred
In order to gain access, we're going to need to, uh.
and I had to jump over in order to achieve adulthood.
The organisms were forced to adapt in order to survive.
生物被逼适应, 以求生存。
We have to lay the sails aback in order to keep on course.
Place order to supplier according to the contract and MDS.
Man had to destroy God in order to achieve Him, equal Him.
要当上帝, 要与上帝一般无二, 必先摧毁上帝。
In order to be accepted by the gang, we had to rob a store.
We study samples in order to be able to describe populations.
to swim across the English Channel in order to reach England.
She had her ears pierced in order to be able to wear earrings.
To pay these additional costs, please send a money order to us.
为付还这些额外费用, 请开汇票向我方支取。
How much money do I have to deposit in order to open an account ?
to add embellishing details in order to make much more attractive
He was going to college at night, in order to become an accountant.
I have to review the english, in order to get the best achievement.
我要复习英语了, 以便考个好成绩。
The activists were shot when they refused to obey an order to halt.
In order to adapt successfully to a changing world, we need to play.
为了成功地适应 一个变化中的世界,我们需要玩乐。
To mark with a notation in order to question its validity or accuracy.
画疑问号给标上记号, 来就其有效性或精确性提出质疑
In order to avoid this, an ambient component can be added to each vertex.
为了避免这个, 漫反射成分将被加到每个顶点上去。
Another small number of boxes order to adapt to different consumer groups.
另有小型包厢多间, 以适应不同消费群体的需求。
In order to reach the final goal, we can adapt ourselves to circumstances.
为了达到最终目的, 我们可以通权达变。
Threaded binary tree in order to establish and achieve in order traversal.
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