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Some Beijing opera actors have gained quite a reputation even before their graduation.
Starbucks has taken quite a hit this year, even while trying to adjust with the times.
即便是在这个微妙年份, 星巴克仍表现出色。
Though the composition has quite a few mistakes in wording, It'shows a great approach.
这篇作文有不少讹舛, 但立意还不错。
Though the composition has quite a few mistakes in wording, it shows a great approach.
The saintly artist adopted quite a bold and definitive drawing technique in this piece.
Once upon a time, asking a woman if she has a job was quite a straightforward question.
Time, will visit quite a career achievements friends, chatting about the fate of Medium.
一次, 去拜会一位事业上颇有成就的朋友, 闲聊中谈起了命运。
Moreover, the first step will need quite a long time and cannot be accomplished overnight.
而且第一步的时间是相当地长, 决不是一朝一夕所能成就的。
They bear a deep grudge against each other, which has been going on for quite a long time.
他们的夙怨很深, 矛盾不是一天两天了。
There are quite a few methods of repairing the nasal alar defect, but few are satisfactory.
Meanwhile, they have absorbed quite a few young people who have just graduated from colleges.
In the Finkin street church, there was quite a range of activity, though all of a sober nature.
分金大街的教堂活动很多, 但都很庄重。
If not quite a day at the office, there was a fair approximation to the muddle of faraway Earth.
就算不是办公一族, 这儿的生活也堪比地球上的混乱。
But these accounts have to be brought back in order, and this could be quite a burden for the state.
然而, 要把这些账本理顺, 对国家来说是个不小的负担。
In terms of the manufacturing processes and technique, it had been achieve to quite a high standard.
Before they were acquainted, Mr. Forster entered into correspondence with her for quite a long time.
Quite a few workers in the plant have been accepted as regular members of the Social Democratic Party.
Although there are many advantages, but in actual implementation there exists quite a lot of shortages.
It never occurred to me that I would meet my teacher I hadnt seen for quite a few years at the airport.
If the exposure had been put off for another year, I dare say quite a few people would have been affected.
再有一年不揭露, 保管有不少的人是要受他们影响的。
Quite a few of these patterns can be discarded as useless towards the absolute most of the guitar repertoire.
Over the years, they have become so rigid and complicated that they are now quite a head ache for us importers.
There are quite a few things that the panelists would like to see changed in academia and in the field of psychology.
If another five per cent of gnp were allocated to national defence, military expenditure would be quite a considerable figure.
如果拿出百分之五去搞国防, 军费就可观了
Gladly, Ive forgotten quite a lot of the stuff I learnt as a literature student especially those inwardtothecore bits, complete with angst and those meagainsttheworld pontifications.
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单词 quite a 释义

  • 单词释义:<尤美, 常褒>不寻常的  [更多..]



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