单词 set in 例句大全,用单词set in造句:

The first set of assessments in North America took place in Toronto at IAF Conference 2000.
His advent had obviously put a stop to the conversation, decided awkwardness having set in.
Taking refuge in the Dharma, save the ambrosial water and set up a waterworks in yourselves.
There has been a tendency for adopting the advantage set in the final of tennis men's singles.
The Study of Fuzzy Set in the Quantitative Attributes Discretization of Association Rule Mining
Indicates that the data column is being used to create a grouped result set in an aggregate query.
The woodland delight is set in a mossed terracotta pot for natural appeal.It measures 34 inches tall.
红葡萄酒颜色的花朵开后连成拱形, 配上流苏一样的叶子。
New standards are continually being set in Australian cinemas and audiences have come to expect this.
In addition to the decision point configuration, it's also possible to set a timeout value for Fan In.
Several Cases of the Use of Homogeneous Linear Equation Set in Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions
The Secretariat's comments are set out in the accompanying footnotes and in the square brackets in bold.
By becoming an anomaly, he has at least ensured that the rules of the art game are no longer set in stone.
The measures required to achieve this purpose are set out in greater detail in article4 of the Declaration.
These additional remedial measures shall be determined in accordance with the rules set out in section1.2.2.
In addition Drake set up artificial ecologies in aquaria and in running water for artificial stream ecologies.
The basic scenario is a building site in which the artefact under construction is set in the middle of the lot.
Starting from the next horse racing season, payouts for exotic bets will be set in accordance with the new rate.
Everywhere around him reigned silence, but that charming silence when the sun has set in an unclouded azure sky.
Diamonds set in white gold and platinum, platinum wedding bands, Old Florence sterling silver collection from Italy
In his late years, he lived in Lotus Cave on Lushan Mountain and set up Lianxi Academy where he gave lectures and planted lotus.
To be familiar with all Banquet set up styles, that are used for functions in the Hotel. And be able to set up a function room accordingly.
The ratio of commissions to be collected shall be set in accordance with the principle of making an inverse ratio to the auction completion price.
A comedy set in the sixties where two nightclub cabaret entertainers who are best friends run into trouble by having angered and underworld gangster.
And the people the men of Israel encouraged themselves, and set their battle again in array in the place where they put themselves in array the first day.
If you set a fully equipped army in march in order to snatch an advantage, the chances are that you will be too late. On the other hand, to detach a flying column for the purpose involves the sacrifice of its Baggage and stores.
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单词 set in 释义

  • 单词释义:开始;到来;上涨;插入  [更多..]



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