单词 shouldn't 例句大全,用单词shouldn't造句:

Prevailing abuses are what we should oppose. We shouldn't follow others blindly.
时俗流弊是我们应当反对的, 不可以随波逐流。
You have him to thank for today's achievements, you shouldn't overlook his help.
你能有今天的成绩, 不可轻忽他的帮助。
Abstract art that doesn't represent anything shouldn't be considered art at all.
You shouldn't have given such an arduous task to him, as he is an absolute coward.
You may say that economic policy shouldn't be affected by partisan considerations.
I shouldn't have set three alarm clocks at the same time to annoy you the morning.
They said there wasn't any need for alarm, but that I shouldn't fail to bring you.
I'm paying the piper, so I don't see why I shouldn't complain if I'm not satisfied.
我是付了钱的, 所以, 我不明白若是我不满意, 为什么不能抱怨。
Academic credentials shouldn't be falsified because false credentials are dangerous.
But our experience shows that one shouldn't try to move ahead too fast or too rashly.
You shouldn't worry about the present either. There is no river that can't be crossed.
Now that we advocate democracy, we shouldn't despotically suppress political criticism.
既然提倡民主, 就不能以独裁手段压制清议。
Essentially, what you're saying is that a teacher shouldn't be seen to agree with this.
Shouldn't these people, who have achieved academic results, also be judged as politically sound?
However unhappy you were, you shouldn't have abandoned your work. It shows your irresponsibility.
However unhappy you were, you shouldn't have abandoned your work. It'shows your irresponsibility.
你再不高兴也不能摔耙子啊, 那是不负责任的表现。
Unless there isn't another alternative, we shouldn't use this porcelain product to pay off the debt.
不到万不得已, 决不能把这件瓷器出顶。
Pets are not tools to receive anger, so their masters shouldn't vent their negative feelings on pets.
We should apply advanced experience according to local conditions and shouldn't apply it mechanically.
As it doesn't concern principles, you should leave some leeway and shouldn't have said those determined words.
I shouldn’t have drank coffee, now I’m super wired and probably won’t be able to fall asleep any time soon.
There are written regulations in the unit that the leader's personal expenses shouldn't be registered in the account book.
There are differences between actual measurement and visual inspection, so we shouldn't make judgments based on the data from visual inspections.
According to the laws and regulations of our country, allowances for disabled servicemen and family members of revolutionary martyrs and servicemen shouldn't be diverted for other ends.
Every weekend I go to a hospital for volunteer work and there are many terminally ill children. Even though it’s sad, I can’t cry in front of them. It made me realize that we shouldn’t take life for granted.

单词 shouldn't 释义

  • 单词释义:should not 不应该  [更多..]



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