单词 show off 例句大全,用单词show off造句:

Then he went on to show off what he had learned in his first driving class.
In terms of writing, I dare not show off in the presence an expert like you.
I was just stating the fact, or you can take off your wig and show everybody.
我只是在陈述事实, 不然你摘掉你的假发给大家看看。
He is too young, and his older friends advise him not to show off his talents.
Even if body is still intact need not somewhere, and deliberately to show off.
Show off? Wretch! I teach you how to study English kindly, but cause and envy!
卖弄?切!我好心教你们学英文, 却招来嫉妒!
Indeed, would it not be more impressive to show off a house than a finger rock?
What we like about him was that he never put on the dog to show off his wealth.
Beijing was built to show off the power of the emperor and leave visitors in awe.
作为皇权的象征, 北京让拜见者心生敬畏。
At month end write off over dues after department and guaranteed no show accounts.
Serving the country show their talent off the blueprint for the national exhibition.
The topic he chose for his talk was designed to show off his expertise in machinery.
I would eagerly want to run out to show off, and compete whose clothes looked better.
我会急切地想跑出去炫耀, 和我的朋友们比比, 谁的衣服好看。
Italian tailors, blacksmiths and violinists will show off their craft at the pavilion.
Sea turtle is personally experience a lot of frogs show off this Jingbian environment.
Bored, Happy, Glum Weve got an ever growing list of emoticons to show off how you feel.
Miss Libertine and show off the nifty nobility, delight in talking about silly trifles.
Exaggerated by the dramatic way to show off the construction put on the cloak of vanity.
This idiom excoriates those who show off their slight accomplishments in front of experts.
Though not in school for ages, he likes to use fancy words to show off while talking to others.
Then the dolphins perform a private show, showing off there amazing jumps and waving their flippers.
Yet Mozarts adolescent desire to show off his technical mastery did not, on this occasion, create a masterpiece.
Of course, he will not show off his richness like the upstart who wearing the gold and silver accessories going around.
Some dumb ass was trying to show off in his car by driving really fast, but that backfired when he slammed into a pole *smh*
Your great name long since reached my ears like thunder. I am ashamed to show off my incompetence in the presence of an expert like yourself.
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单词 show off 释义

  • 单词释义:使突出;炫耀,卖弄  [更多..]



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