单词 show business 例句大全,用单词show business造句:

I generally try to take in a show when I'm in New York on business.
For this old trouper there is still no business like show business.
Tell him show business is more dangerous than the olive oil business.
你就告诉他说, 表演这一行比橄榄油生意更危险。
I will show you our business documents to help you conduct your audit.
我会给您看本公司的业务文件, 以助您查账。
Jeffery usually has some authentic inside information of show business.
You, though, person in show business, is almost dependent on recognition.
而你是在演艺圈, 一个几乎完全靠知名度得地方。
Business activity index is expected to show a downward trend than the ring.
Swim lanes, or columns, show which business worker is performing each activity.
He quitted his job as an accountant and joined the twilight world of the show business.
In queasy in, appreciation divides the price duty for the day that sells business to show.
For a look at some business students trying to build their own businesses, check out our slide show.
如要查看更多创业学生的故事, 请点击我们的幻灯片。
The interactive trade show is expected to draw over 6,000 small business owners for the day-long event.
If you often watch entertainment news, you'll feel that the show business is really a hotbed of rumors.
If you often watch entertainment news, you will feel that the show business is really a hotbed of rumors.
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单词 show business 释义



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