单词 production line 例句大全,用单词production line造句:

Plate from the dryer, and advance the process of gradually cooling down the production line.
Be familiar with industrial production process and manufacturing technics of production line.
Application of technology of burning anthracite coal in NSP production line in Fenyi Conch Co.
Companies have production bases full cartridge production line, built a sound testing process.
公司生产基地拥有全套硒鼓生产线, 建有完善的测试流程。
Step furnace was also used on the train axle production line, pipe production line heat treatment.
Introduces anticorrosive design of the plant for the electrolytic zinc production line engineering.
Talk on the construction scale of the production line for fly ash and coal shale fired hollow brick
Cabinet production line produce such as a whole cabinets, wardrobe and bathroom counters and so on.
The structural characteristics and working principle of this production line were briefly narrated.
At deformaion zone of production line, the zigzag drawing technology is adopted on the return bench.
Development and application of monitoring and control system for salad oil automation production line
The production line appearance is beautiful, its production speed is fast and its automation is high.
Annual output of the strict quality controlled production line for KOKO series products can reach 5000.
Youre seeing for the first time, a brand new drywall production line, not made using gypsum at all.
The kiln inlet is the biggest source of pollution in the new dry process cement clinker production line.
对于新型干法水泥熟料生产线, 窑尾是生产线最大的污染源。
In order to enlarge the production scale, on cold bending production line was designed and manufactured.
为了扩大生产规模, 自行设计制造了一条冷弯机组生产线。
In automatic production in an immersion production line, the automatic stable running of bridge crane is critical.
Design and Realization of Software for Accurate Weighing System of Automatic Packaging Production Line of Cathode Copper
Aluminum production line for the ceiling to provide ancillary services, and has a strong product development capability.
为各大铝天花板厂商提供了便利, 一条龙服务是我们的宗旨!
The method is rapid and accurate for the quality control of carbofuranthiramtriadimefon seed dressing on production line.
The Design of an Electrical Control System for the Fullautomatic Beehive Carton Production Line with Continuous Paper Core
One kind of automatic loading manipulator used on the negative plate automatic production line is introduced in this paper.
Full resumption of the production line of the company, technical innovation and expansion projects are all in production.
Process Automation Model Specification System of Hot Straightening Machine in Heavy and Medium Plate Rolling Production Line
The construction of lint production line processing, textile weaving production line 200 , and various ancillary facilities.
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单词 production line 释义

  • 单词释义:生产线,流水线  [更多..]



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