单词 production cost 例句大全,用单词production cost造句:

Gas chromatographic technique as low cost, short time, no production influence and high precision.
Equations of optimized extraction factor for minimum production cost in counter current extraction
This technique cut off benzene and acetonitrile weakened the toxicity, reduced the production cost.
Processing contracts, production statements, cost accounting books and other relevant account books.
This steeping method could largely shorten production cycle and lower the cost of starch production.
Also, it is further possible to enhance the reduction in a production cost and in a transmission loss.
In some cases the cost of efforts to eliminate them have been higher than the costs of their production.
This product has low production cost, excellent performance and can comparable with Yongsheng Brand Type.
Education production cost pricing is an important condition for implementing education cost share system.
During the open casting, the blasting cost usually takes up a large percentage of the whole cost of production.
Divide outside improving solar battery efficiency, new science and technology still can reduce production cost.
Thickness windage small, suitable for filling machine production, have a low break package rate, the low use cost.
Even with economies of scale the increased cost of production is likely to be a deterrent to establishing an affiliate.
即使规模经济, 增加生产成本可能对建立一个附属。
Traditional Probabilistic Production Cost Simulation is based on Discrete Convolution to calculate reliability indices.
Fig11. The correlation of nominal corn, soybean meals weightedly average price and natural log of milk production cost.
The Storage Model about Production and Sale under the Condition of Limited Space Storehouse Considering with Marginal Cost
The compounding machine pressure gas curtain barricade of the utility model has high service life and low production cost.
本实用新型的复合机压气幕挡墙使用寿命高, 而且生产本低。
The control system has the advance of good effects, low cost, saving manpower cost and improving the production efficiency.
该控制系统的应用效果好, 成本低廉, 生产效率提高。
It is an important measure to increase the pulverized coal injection to reduce the coke ratio and production cost of hot metal.
And that doesnt include the carbon cost of fuel, or the cost of the emissions released during the production and burning of the wooden casket.
The mining efficiency of this method has been proved to be nearly as high as that of the dredging method, but its production cost is slight higher.
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单词 production cost 释义

  • 单词释义:生产成本,开采成本,生产费用  [更多..]



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