单词 price development 例句大全,用单词price development造句:

Asset price bubbles play an important role in macroeconomic development.
While we benefit from economic development, we also paying the price for it.
我们因经济发展而得益, 同时亦为此付出代价。
Promoting Agricultural Development by Applying the Mechanism of Relative Price
An Objective Overview of Iron and Steel Industry Development and Recent Price Bounces
Since the development of late, so the low price of land and labor are relatively cheap.
由于开发晚, 所以土地多而且价格低, 劳动力也相对便宜。
Advantages of Introduction of Price Mechanism to Tuition Fee for Sustainable Development of High Education
The key for the development of circular economy is to construct a price system in the resource environment.
The actual this kind of development is take the basis which digs breaks oneself settles down and gets on with life as the price.
The National Reform and Development Commission announced it had rejected a request for a price hike from four major cooking oil companies.
And the herbal toxicity and adverse reaction of traditional Chinese medicine is small, the price is relatively cheap, it has vast development prospects.
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