单词 reel in 例句大全,用单词reel in造句:

The enemy troops began to reel in defeat under our violent attack.
Almost immediately a large fish took the bait and he began to reel it in.
几乎是立刻的, 一条大鱼咬了饵, 同时他开始卷线。
As the line heavy with struggling fish, the computer gives the order to reel it in.
上钩的鱼不断挣扎, 把线绷得紧紧的, 计算机就发出指令收线。
You can discharge the paper in reel with slight damage ashore. I'll sign the record afterwards.
你们可以把轻微残损卷筒纸卸上岸, 之后我会在记录上签字。
Analysis of the anomaly noise of the reel coupling of overhead gantry crane in the Three Gorges Project and its repair technology.
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