单词 right order 例句大全,用单词right order造句:

All right, In order to conclude the transaction, let's meet halfway.
That was in conflict with your order, he was punished, is that right?
而这与你的命令有抵触, 所以得受罚, 是这样吗?
Right of life should be written down in constitution in the first order
They will be applied in the order they are combined, from left to right.
That's right. And you get extra large fries for free when you order two!
We reserve the right to cancel the order and refuse delivery after this date.
The Right to Speak and to be Heard and the Construction of International Order
A foul shot that must be made in order to earn the right to a second foul shot.
Send me a fax with all the information, and Ill send you my order right away.
Kuan Meng treated with the Hop in order to achieve the just right and the state.
宽与猛对待的和合, 才能达到恰到好处的和的境界。
In order to answer this question, people propose the environmental right theory.
在应对这一危机的过程中, 人们提出了环境权理论。
Organizers reserve the right to modify the content in order to maintain Directory.
为保证刊登内容符合场刊标准, 主办单位保留最终修改权。
After the dinner pls. exeunt in good order, find the right bus back to your hotel.
The words are not in the right order. Arrange them correctly in the seven columns.
这些词的语序不对, 参照例句在表中重新排列各句的语序。
Because, and only prints right in order to ensure that the plywood version good shape.
因为, 只有版画准了, 才能确保胶合板的版形切割得准。
We reserve the right to cancel the order if you can not make delivery on20th as you said.
Arrange these groups of words in the right order, then check your answer against the text.
You only command my advance guard and you have no right to make any truce without my order.
能指挥我的前卫, 如未接获我的命令, 您无权擅自停战媾和。
The agent has the right to obtain commission of this order according to the 15 th regulation.
Proper limits have to be exceeded in order to right a wrong, or else the wrong cannot be righted.
矫枉必须过正, 不过正不能矫枉。
If you are dissatisfied with the goods you have a right to cancel the order and receive a full refund.
如果对货物不满意, 你有权撤销订单, 货款如数退还。
Usually, you order them from right to left, with the rightmost digit being the least significant digit.
通常, 从右到左排列, 最右边的数字是最低有效位。
Control proceeds from left to right, and allocates space for the column or row or in the following order.
We reserve the right to keep our sources private We will only divulge such information upon order of the court.
In this regard, the authors believe that the problems should focus on the purchase order, give the right medicine.
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