单词 to the letter 例句大全,用单词to the letter造句:

She sent the good news to her family as soon as she got her letter of admission.
The letter was written by a woman called Vonnie and was addressed to Clark C Moore.
I have received a letter to the effect that I have been admitted to the university.
我收到了一封信, 大意是说我被大学录取了。
To the best of my knowledge and belief, this letter summarises the actual situation.
The terms of payment we wish to adopt are confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit.
我们希望的付款方式是保兑的, 不可撤消的信用证。
To type an accent or special character, hold the letter key and roll the track wheel.
按住字母键, 拨动滚轮, 可以输入一个音调和特殊字符。
He asked why that issue should be raised in a letter addressed to the Security Council.
This letter serves to acquaint you that the partner will retire from business. business.
The lawyer's letter said she would hear something to her advantage if she contacted him.
Please send back confirmation letter directly to Suzhou Leader CPAs the following address.
On the Writing Time of Ruan Ji's Letter for Zheng Chong to Advising Emperor in Jin Dynasty
Address the letter to the correct person and make sure his or her name is spelt correctly.
将求职信准确地发给对方, 收件人的名字务必拼写正确。
The letter went missing for years, but the addressee says hes looking forward to seeing it.
这封信遗失了好几年, 但是收件人说他很期待看到它。
The letter also called for an independent scientific advisory board to watch over Cape Wind.
信中还呼吁建立一个独立的科学咨询委员会, 监督海角风。
This is a short and simple letter of enquiry for you to get acquainted with the general form.
The next letter I'm really looking forward to receiving is the admission letter from University.
Linguistically, the inner development of Chinese makes an internal force to absorb letter words.
The more detailed information on common measures follows as an addendum to the Directors letter.
The very last letter reproduced, addressed to Theo but unfinished, was written on July 23 rd 1890.
In his letter of resignation, the General admitted that he has become a liability to the president.
Which does this kind of environmental variation bring for the agricultural letter society to affect ?
Please refer to the course information or your admission letter for the specific facilities you can use.
I agree to waive the right to claim for any proceeds which may arise out from the License of this Letter.
I am so happy to get the letter from you saying that I had been admitted to Moraine Valley Junior College.
接到来信, 知道我已被莫莱茵谷专科学校录取, 真是高兴万分!
Please note that your acceptance to the offeris subject to the conditions printed on the reverse of the letter.
英文例句大全为您提供to the letter英文例句大全,to the letter英文造句,关于to the letter的英语句子,单词to the letter怎么造句,to the letter英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于to the letter,英语单词to the letter的句子,单词to the letter如何造句,to the letter怎么造句等。

单词 to the letter 释义

  • 单词释义:严格地,一丝不苟地;原原本本的;不折不扣  [更多..]



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