单词 to the core 例句大全,用单词to the core造句:

My love is rotten to the core
It will go to the absolute core.
The cold air chills one to the core.
It took a long time to get to the core of the affair.
I think this will be a good new core addition to the framework.
As part of selling, I was able to document the hard core evidence.
卖东西之余,我也能搜集 核心证据
How to outsource to strengthen the core competence to achieve more
To Form Activity System of School Education Under the Core of Service
The utility classes are convenient and powerful additions to the core.
工具类库, 简单, 但是是核心的强力扩展。
Are there air dryers on the air supply to cold box and hot box core machines ?
冷, 热型芯操作箱是否有空气干燥器?
What she does possess is the ability to get straight to the core of a problem.
The implementation of a highthroughput core has proven to be very advantageous.
Oblique tenon was adopted to draw core due to the short distance of drawingcore.
由于抽芯距离短, 采用斜销抽芯。
But you see, when you have the hard core evidence, you are able to affect society.
但如各位所见,当你拥有核心证据时 就能影响社会
The base plate and the surface place are all adhered to the inner core separately.
The affection of different core and resin content to bending strength of blockboard
First of all, to improve access to the system of counselors at the core of the system.
This set the strict request to shape accuracy and the surface quality of the valve core.
The core problem of this thesis is to study the different acoustic signal identification methods.
Additionally, capital investments can be avoided which do not contribute directly to the core business.
Strictly abide to the standard , innovate the culture and enhance the core competitive advantage of the enterprise.
严守标准, 文化创新, 不断提升企业核心竞争力。
Discussion on the Core Position of Personnel Adaptability of Project Management in Adaptation to International Convention
One should make sure the water supply is adequate and is reaching the core near the collars and sheeting out to the cutting area.
要督促供水充足, 核心是达成了近。
The core of Chinese agrarian culture is to support military activities with farming and the related thought of priority given to agriculture.
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