单词 to the purpose 例句大全,用单词to the purpose造句:

But the Lord was also at work through Paul's pain to accomplish his good purpose.
然而, 主也通过保罗的痛苦作工, 为要成就祂的美意。
I adhere to plant product quality, in order to credibility for the first purpose.
我厂坚持产品质量, 宗以信誉第一为旨。
The purpose of aesthetics is to develop and perfect personality and human nature.
审美教育的目的在于发展人性, 善人格。
Abstract Purpose To probe into the method of surgical of BPH with inguinal hernia.
The purpose of the balance of yin and yang is to achieve equilibrium between them.
Purpose To observe the different effects of acupuncture at different time interval.
Purpose To evaluate the value of ultrasonography for diagnosing acute appendicitis.
Companies adhere to the quality of survival, and development credit for the purpose.
The purpose of the visit was to provide documentation for onwards travel to Algeria.
Purpose To observe the curative effect of acupuncture on female climacteric syndrome.
Purpose To investigate the analgesic effect of acupoint injection on acute gastralgia.
The main purpose of this study is to research aesthetic conception in planting design.
本文以此为切入点, 研究植物造景中的审美观。
The data in IMIS was presumed to be accurate and complete for the purpose of analysis.
Other types of taboo, or change the names, in order to achieve the purpose of avoiding.
其他类型的避讳, 改变人名或物名, 以达到避讳的目的。
The only way that youre going to accomplish that purpose is for you to continue to grow.
Success in warfare is gained by carefully accommodating ourselves to the enemy's purpose.
故为兵之事, 在于佯顺敌之意。
Purpose To study the clinicopathologic characteristics of renal collecting duct carcinoma.
The content of the report should be more analytical to serve the purpose of accountability.
The purpose of this activity is to collect funds for the children with mental deficiencies.
To achieve the purpose of eradicating the hypertension, most chemical drugs can not make it.
要实现彻底根治高血压的目的, 大多化学药无法做到。
The new text reflects the general purpose of the changes to the MOU proposed by the Adviser.
The third purpose is discharge the debtor from his liabilities and enable him to start afresh.
The purpose of the geometric calibration is to validate and verify the accuracy of the sensor.
Determine the proofreading times according to the translation purpose agreed with the customer.
Objective Purpose To study the value of abdominal speculum in the gynecology surgical operation.
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