单词 to the purpose 例句大全,用单词to the purpose造句:

To achieve its purpose the policy of resolute armed resistance calls for a whole set of measures.
在坚决抗战的方针之下, 必须有一整套的办法, 才能达到目的。
The main purpose of palliative treatment to relieve dysphagia and to maintain adequate nutrition.
Variablevariable speed motor, reducing host in order to achieve the purpose of saving electricity.
变频无级调速, 减小主机电机, 到达节电纲的。
Abstract Purpose To elucidate the causes and treatment of spontaneous rupture of renal transplants.
Mr Cameron is said to be deeply sceptical about the purpose and efficacy of the war in Afghanistan.
Purpose To study purification method of the low molecular weight heparin by affinity chromatography.
目得探索亲和色谱纯化低分子肝素 得方法。
The message says, period Lilanka already also expressed to join this affiliation to plan of purpose.
有消息称, 期里兰卡也已表示有意加入该联营计划。
Purpose The optimum conditions to immobilize glutamate decarboxylase by sodium alginate were studied.
目得研究海藻酸钠法固定化谷氨酸脱羧 酶得最适条件。
Therefore propose to abolish the legislative limit of the subjective purpose of the relevant perjury.
The main purpose of this collective activity is to instill a sense of national honor in the students.
He said that the election of the clubs purpose is to look for foreign aid cost effective foreign aid.
他表示, 俱乐部选外援的宗旨是找性价比最高的外援。
abstract The purpose of the paper is to create sterile test methods for Gentamycin sulfate injection.
The purpose is to observe the effects of Tiandanqianggan capsules on acute or chronic hepatic injury.
Purpose To investigate the curative effect of warming acupuncture on a lesion of infrapatellar fat pad.
Purpose To observe the curative effect of acupuncture on melancholia due to multiple cerebral infarction.
The purpose is to help criminals know, abide by, and accept the law and to improve their moral standards.
Purpose To investigate the efficacy of acupuncture plus movable cupping for treatment of predawn diarrhea.
Purpose To observe the effects of point application therapy on airway allergic inflammation of asthmatics.
The purpose is to arouse the studentsconscious, autonomous sense of responsibility and accountability act.
The measures required to achieve this purpose are set out in greater detail in article4 of the Declaration.
The goods cannot continue to be used for the originally designed purpose after installation and adjustment.
To be mindful that the court is the servant of the people and its purpose is the administration of justice.
To accomplish this purpose, creels are equipped with package holders on which the supply packages are placed
The purpose of this Act is to promote housing construction both by public agencies and by private enterprise.
The purpose of this paper is to create the affability and responsibility to human being from packaging design.
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单词 to the purpose 释义



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