单词 to the purpose 例句大全,用单词to the purpose造句:

Purpose To observe the curative effect of combined acupuncture and medicine on child attention deficit disorder.
Purpose To observe the curative effect of warmed needle acupuncture of Jiaji points as main ones on cervical vertigo.
Purpose To investigate the therapeutic effect of wrist ankle acupuncture for treatment of peripheral facial paralysis.
Purpose To investigate the clinicopathological features and immunological phenotypes of tubular carcinoid of appendix.
Each Contracting Party shall have the right to designate one airline for the purpose of operating the agreed services.
Purpose To investigate the curative effect of combined acupuncture and massotherapy on cervical small joint displacement.
Purpose To observe the curative effect of scalp acupuncture plus Chinese medicine on hyperactive and coprophasic syndrome.
The Health Ministry said the purpose of the handout was to prevent the spread of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
卫生部称, 分发避孕套是为了预防艾滋病和其他性传播疾病。
The purpose of this research is to investigate the intergenerational ambivalent experiences between parents and adult offspring.
Purpose To investigate the efficacy of acupuncture and massotherapy in combination with psychotherapy for treating acute mastitis.
abstract Purpose To discuss the effect of Glaubers salt Treated on the longterm bedridden patients with constipation in orthopedic.
The purpose of the project is to introduce the concept of wavefront aberration and to evaluate its techniques and clinical applications.
If you set a fully equipped army in march in order to snatch an advantage, the chances are that you will be too late. On the other hand, to detach a flying column for the purpose involves the sacrifice of its Baggage and stores.
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单词 to the purpose 释义



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