单词 special education 例句大全,用单词special education造句:

University's national preparatory course education is a special level of higher education of our country.
Teaching and scientific research facilities for key institutions of higher learning and special education
Learning in regular classes is the main form for special children to accept compulsory education in China.
Teachers of special education and sign language interpreters shall enjoy allowances for special education.
This happens in nearly all aspects of special education and can occur no matter from which premise we begin.
For many of those who are disabled from birth or during childhood,special education is obviously necessary.
Education activities are also offered in them, including special education and development of technical skills.
这些设施还提供教育活动, 包括特殊教育和技能培养。
The its main special features was outstanding medium job the accountancy be machinereadable to turn education of characteristics.
The fund mainly caters for worthwhile nonprofit making initiatives within the ambit of basic education, i.e. preprimary, primary, secondary and special education.
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