单词 to this day 例句大全,用单词to this day造句:

I hope, one day, to achieve the same success as they had with this jersey.
On this very fateful day, I have decided to go ahead and create this blog.
I try not to drink the day of the year, because this is what alcohol abuse.
我试着不要喝了当年的一天中, 因为这是做什么酗酒。
Late in the afternoon of this bloody day, Hitler returned by air to Berlin.
This day has two passengers to sit aboard expression in fear and trembling.
Had you, up to this time, been able to put aside any money for a rainy day?
Please apply this medicine two or three drops to the eyes three times a day.
But to this day they have remained independent operators, aloof and haughty.
It was an April Fool actually, and to this day, some people think it's real.
It takes this worm two days to age as much as the normal worm ages in one day.
达到正常线虫衰老一天的程度 它们需要两天时间
But you that adhere to the Lord your God, are all alive until this present day.
Many IT professionals use this amphitheatre to unwind after a hard day at work.
On this World AIDS Day, let us resolve to consign AIDS to the pages of history.
We are pleased to announce that we have this day started a business as a printer.
This International Women's Day is a chance for us all to address these challenges.
I still, to this day, stand in absolute awe of what I see when I make these dives.
直到今日,我潜水时所目睹的一切 仍令我感到无比惊奇。
You should anticipate this baby to intercede on your behalf on the Day of Judgment.
On such a hot and humid day, this asthmatic patient has to gasp heavily for breath.
So Israel was carried away into exile from their own land to Assyria until this day.
Will you not this day claim afresh to be immersed and drenched in these waters of life
Vote to abolish the monarchy and become a republic, since then, this day National Day.
The ground fissure in Taiyuan basin has appeared since1976, and has moved to this day.
This night, a long absence, and a cup of tea, they began to close the day with the text.
这样的夜, 久违了, 一杯茶, 又开始了与文字亲近的日子。
This Julian calendar added an extra day every four years to account for the quarter day.
As he hath done this day, so the LORD hath commanded to do, to make an atonement for you.
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单词 to this day 释义

  • 单词释义:直到今天,至今;迄今;迄今为止  [更多..]



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