单词 in 例句大全,用单词in造句:

Comment on Block Application in Accumulating and Alternating in in Ceramics Model Design void space in packing system
The number of Ode to music in Tang Dynasty is not proved and there is not final conclusion in academia in the long run.
In the past no tress were left in or around the village. In the past there were no trees left in or around the village.
I accustom myself to be in a daze in the shadow on the daytime, look the glittery neon light in the street in the evening.
Had we reached gender parity in primary education in 2008, there would have been an additional 3.6 million girls in school.
Application of air pressure adjust technology in gas provention in air return comer in along goaf comprehensive caving face
In general, rice production in Anhui province has the advantage in China and rank the first in eastern region in the nation.
A Brief Discussion on the Achievement Made by the Scholars in Yangzhou in the Science of Local Chronicles in the Qing Dynasty
In addition, she is a barrister in England and Wales and advises on competition law issues, mainly in the European Community.
她在英国及威尔斯取得执业大律师资格, 专长为欧洲竞争法。
In addition, in September, the Court held hearings on the merits in the case concerning Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea.
Reciprocal Relation between Education in Academies and Imperial Examination System from Three Academies in Jiangxi in Earlier Times
He placed his whole ambition in those speculations in whose beauty and subtlety there in no admixture of the common needs for life.
Experiments were carried out to add generations in different seasons in one year in order to accelerate the process of pea breeding.
为了加快豌豆育种进程, 进行了异季加代育种试验。
Tom got his lantern, lit it in the hogshead, wrapped it closely in the towel, and the two adventurers crept in the gloom toward the tavern.
Well, then, is it not better to use what is in thy power like a free man than to desire in a slavish and abject way what is not in thy power
因为肯定, 如果他们能与人合作, 他们也能在这些方面合作。
A Study of the Administrative Policy on Trade Dealing in Overseas Chinese Remittances and Letters in Guangdong in the Early Days of New China
In the U.K. Internet advertising is expected to soar by 218% in 1999 to $89.4 million, and in France a 164% jump to $50.8 million is projected.
In addition, in accordance to the Regulation of Phonetic Transcription in Hanyu Pinyin Letters of Place Names in Minority Nationality Languages
In the thesis a Bounding Box is introduced which is alterable in size, in stead of the fixed one in size in the algorithm proposed by Anil Jain.
Of all the bustling waters flowing east in thousands I only take one scoop to bear in mind Obsessed with the butterfly flapping in your afterlife
Persimmon is Chinese native, and, is one of the most popular cultivated fruit crops in China, it ranks first in the world in both acreage and production.
What I desire in the day, pray for in the evening, dream in the night, and long for in the early morning is only the success of love. That is success in life.
In carrying it out, we will curtail some of our construction projects, making adequate cutbacks in certain areas while striving for continued growth in others.
这次调整, 在某些方面要后退, 而且要退够。
In 1911 he exhibited with other Cubist artists at the Salon des Independants and in 1912 his painting Lake in the Mountains was displayed at the show of the Jack of Diamonds group in Moscow.
In Han Feizi, Wu Du,"Long sleeves help one to dance skifully, and much money helps one to achieve success in business." He is well known in his company for using tricks to serve himself.

单词 in 释义

  • 单词释义:采用(某种方式);穿着,带着;(表示位置)在…里面,(表示领域,范围)在…以内;(表示品质、能力等)在…之中  [更多..]



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