单词 in player 例句大全,用单词in player造句:

In the Liverpool aspect, substituted player's ability on the difference in a section.
在利物浦方面, 替补球员的能力就差上一截了。
You don't get the player he is without the temperament, without his attitude in games.
He shows brilliant skill in the game, he is a top player in the school basketball team.
Grand Master Blacksmith First player on the realm to achieve 448 skill in blacksmithing.
Ayi Nii Aryee, an 18yearold football player, has been stuck in Clark airport, a former U.
Each player takes it in turns to pick off the opposing player using different jelly bombs.
At present up to, Ataisite is absolutely in the field displays the most outstanding player.
The demographics of our player base are proof that we succeeded in accomplishing this goal.
As an ace chess player meets his peer, so a general finds his own match in military talent.
The French midfielder is undoubtedly the most improved player in the Arsenal squad this season.
High aggression will cause the player to make more tackles for example and get involved in play.
The position of the football player in the backfield who directs the offensive play of his team.
Hoyer-Larsen beat Dong Jiong of China, the world's top-ranked player, in the men's singles final.
A position on a basketball team of the player who participates in the center jump to start the game.
The Player can in no way copy any software, written materials, or artwork associated with the Casino.
While in school, Benny got a job as a violin player with the Barrison Theater, the local vaudeville house.
学生时代, 本尼得到了一份在巴里逊剧院做小提琴手的工作。
Research to the Psychological Stability of Young Basketball Player in Penalty Shots by Diagnostic Experiment
The ball has been illegally returned to the backcourt when a player of the team in control of the live ball is
In this mode, the player is able to unleash their firepower with the accuracy provided by a firstperson camera.
在这个模式里, 玩家将通过第一人称的视角来开放火力。
The aim in chess is to win by attacking the other player's king in such a way that it cannot avoid being taken.
国际象棋的目标是攻出对方的王, 使其无法不被吃掉。
An official throws the ball in the air as a player from each opposing team jumps to gain possession of the ball.
裁判将球抛向空中, 这时双方的选手通过跳跃来争球。
A player in certain games, such as basketball, soccer, or hockey, who is part of the forward line of the offense.
Compared with his performance in the World Table Tennis Championship, the player is more skillful in backhand smash.
与世乒赛上相比, 这位选手的反手抽球技术成熟得多了。
The Player agrees to read this Agreement from the website each and every time in full, prior to connecting to the game server.
The person across from him is a very skilled poker player and, not surprisingly, turned out to be the biggest winner in the game, taking home a lot of money.
他的对家牌技高超, 赢了不少钱。
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