单词 in pocket 例句大全,用单词in pocket造句:

It was in my pocket that night some son of a bitch ran me over.
把它装在衣兜里 结果那晚就被某个混蛋给撞了。
Aghast at losing a contact, I fumbled in my pocket for his card.
Aligned bananas in each pocket of a jacket, like a cartridge clip.
在上衣每个兜里都装一排排列整齐的香蕉, 像子弹夹一样。
The board of directors must surely have been in Johnstone's pocket.
Who havent tried saving pocket money in a piggy bank or biscuit can.
Make sure your cards are readily available in a pocket or briefcase.
你的名片应放在便于拿出的地方 放在兜里或公文包里。
All I know is that he is a broker with several accounts in his pocket.
我只知道他是个掮客, 口袋里有好几本帐。
He always has a white handkerchief in the breast pocket of his jacket.
When I have money, I have to spend it.Money burns a hole in my pocket.
His hobby was burning a hole in his pocket, so he found another hobby.
Once the money starts coming in, Mars may burn a whole in your pocket.
一旦你开始赚进钱, 火星可能要烧掉整个钱袋的。
With these sprigs just fly ahead of the other pocket bikes in the race.
With these sprigs just fly ahead of the other pocket bikes in the race.
One is to put it into your briefcase the other is in your upper pocket.
一是公文包里, 二是上衣口袋之内。
When I have money, I have to spend it. Money burns a hole in my pocket.
我有钱就非花不可, 不然荷包就会烧个洞。
In the slayer's pocket they found a letter addressed to The White House.
Nevertheless, many Britons carried hare's feet in their pocket or purse.
Money that is likely to be spent quickly can burn a hole in your pocket.
You can put your pen, purse and name card holder in inside breast pocket.
The recorder may be clipped a belt, kept in a pocket, or hung around neck.
记录器可能被夹在腰带上 放在口袋里甚至挂在脖子上。
He often carries the short fuse in his pocket and joke about it afterwards.
他动不动就发火, 可是过后又把它当笑话说。
And police said he had at least 25 more rounds of ammunition in his pocket.
A shot in billiards or related games intended to send a ball into a pocket.
Persky tucked the bills in his pants pocket and turned toward his bookcase.
Without a single cent in pocket, I passed the shopping center very quickly.
口袋里一个子儿也没有, 我匆匆离开了购物中心。
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