单词 in pocket 例句大全,用单词in pocket造句:

She left home with a couple of buck in her pocket and the shirt on her back.
Using next month's pocket money in advance is like robbing Peter to pay Paul.
The recorder can be clippeda belt, kept in a pocket, or hung around your neck.
记录器可以挂在腰带上 放在口袋里甚至套在脖子上。
They allow their children too much latitude in how they spend the pocket money.
在如何使用零花钱上, 他们给予孩子太多的自由。
Then beat the fire box that to put in the pocket, and always face the city walk.
You know money seems to be burning a hole in my pocket lately. Maybe next month.
The grandstand was filled with men in seersucker suits, braces and pocket squares.
He slammed the door, stuffed the gun in his coat pocket, and jumped on his bicycle.
Alternately pop one in your bra or pocket to remove any negative energies around you.
Novel of the pocket book that sells in airport of world each district especially, type?
When you can read and write in Afghanistan, you will typically put a pen in your pocket.
If you want to vomit, please use the airsickness bag in the seat pocket in front of you.
Simply put the battery case inside the pocket of the vest and plug in the heating element.
She settles down in her tiny bedroom, pulls a mobile phone out of her pocket and turns it on.
她待在她的狭小卧室里, 从口袋里拿出了手机并开机。
Influence of Pocket Depth on the Therapeutic Effect of HBO in Aged Patients with Periodontitis
I bet he'll spend all his money in a few days because the money is burning a hole in his pocket.
a short chain or ribbon attached to a pocket watch and worn hanging in front of the vest or waist
A short chain or ribbon attached to a pocket watch and worn hanging in front of the vest or waist.
It's Saturday, you're down the high street and you've got a few quid burning a hole in your pocket.
In a quiet moment of reflection today, I had a look at the name card in my pocket my own name card.
Jiang hid letter of surrender in his pocket and returned to the Bed, pretending that he was sill asleep.
急忙藏起降书, 轻轻躺回床上, 假装睡着。
A pocket watch is usually carried in the waistcoat pocket and attached to the clothing with a watch chain.
Experimental Investigation on the Backwater in Cavity Pocket of Flow Aeration Types to Prevent Cavitation Erosion
carrying with him in his pocket what remained a bottle of medicine formerly prescribed for an indisposition of Mrs. Carlyles.
Most restaurants automatically add a 10% service charge to the bill, but the surcharge often ends up in the pocket of the owner.
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