单词 as the name suggests 例句大全,用单词as the name suggests造句:

Ambient light As the name suggests, this light is present everywhere.
As the name suggests, is the barefoot doctor.
As the name suggests, the bracelet has a lot of energy.
正如乐队名字所暗示的那样, 这支乐队很有活力。
For example, tomatoes do not like wet soil but watercress does, as the name suggests.
As the name suggests, Chinese caterpillar fungus of course, is a worm in winter, while in summer it becomes a grass.
顾名思义, 冬虫夏草当然冬天是虫, 而夏天就变成草了。
As the name suggests, this is an international news channel located at Doha in Qatar.
As the name suggests, such data is classified as being tainted.
Verbose garbage collection is not as verbose as the name suggests.
As the name suggests, this retrieves all of the stocks from the database.
As the name suggests, graphic styles define the characteristics of a graphic object.
As the name suggests, liposuction relies on vacuum pressure to draw out the lipids.
As the name suggests, a geostationary satellite is stationary relative to the earth.
The latter, as the name suggests, are used to record any changes in the tilt of the land.
As the name suggests, it provides only a short smoke.
像它的名字一样, 它的品尝时间很短。
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单词 as the name suggests 释义



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