单词 days to come 例句大全,用单词days to come造句:

My aunt will come to live with me for some days.
It took three days for the groups to come to an agreement.
I awaited the days to come when he would be out of my thoughts.
You can't depend on the weather becoming fine in a few days to come.
In days to come it may be possible to travel beyond the Solar System.
By the end of the day, I eagerly anticipated the days and weeks to come.
在最后的一天, 我殷切期待的日子里来。
After three days'hard bargaining,the two sides still couldn't come to terms.
After three days'hard bargaining, the two sides still couldn't come to terms.
经过三天的艰苦谈判, 双方仍未达成协议。
This aspect will set the tone for several aspects to come as the days unfold.
I am going to stop the acupuncture for a few days. Please come back in a week.
How can He forget us in the days to come ? That is absolutely not unreasonable!
Keep it simple and you will achieve great things that will brighten your days to come.
友谊就像彩虹, 会在你闯过暴风雨时带来那一片光明。
You can go home first and come back three days later, when we move the coffin to the graveyard.
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单词 days to come 释义



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