单词 day worker 例句大全,用单词day worker造句:

He was a famous model worker in his day.
I was ready for day as a fashion worker at a store.
To complete their work the worker is work day and night.
为了完成他们的工作, 工人们日夜工作。
I confirm the day's schedule. I think I'm a cooperative worker.
It is Labor Day, of course, a time to salute the American worker.
School is a permanent worker group evenly, be not the thing of in one day.
门派平衡是开发组一项长期工作, 并非一朝一夕之事。
The at that time worker works day for eight hours, only has Sunday to rest.
Article 2 On wedding day, a worker shall be entitled to eight leave with pay.
On the day a worker leaves work, the employer must inform the insurer in writing.
Under his breath, the worker said he was going to pawn it at the end of the day.
As a railway worker, he washed his work clothes the same night in order to wear them the next day.
We will miss him as a worker among us and also as a cheerful friend who could always Brighten the day around here.
我们会想念他的, 他不但是我们的同事, 更是这里欢乐的源泉。
The only time in 13 years that he came home from work without a great big smile on his face was the day a co-worker died in a tragic auto accident.
Each leader of company of Xiang Saida group and expert, and the congratulation that all worker of plod represents a redletter day and great respect!
为此, 我们农村电气化期刊社全体同仁!
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