单词 days lost 例句大全,用单词days lost造句:

Working days lost due to tobacco.
I chanced on my ring lost ten days ago.
For days the boy fretted about his lost dog.
I have not yet found the key I lost days ago.
She was lost in study and didn't eat for days.
He lost his job, so he was unhappy these days.
他丢了工作, 因而这些天心情不太好。
The number of days lost through strike has fallen.
Days of roundtheclock rescue let Duo Jin Yan lost 8.
They feed us,course, but I lost my appetite days ago.
They feed us, of course, but I lost my appetite days ago.
在这里我不愁食物, 可是数日以来我已经是不下咽了。
I lost my camera two days ago at the lake and am so sad about it.
我两天前在湖边把照相机丢了, 为此我难过极了。
If you don't, it may be because several hundred years ago you lost days!
假如你没有, 也许是因为几百年前你丢了十天!
Days and months lost their normal duration ,and the four seasons reversed.
Days and months lost their normal duration, and the four seasons reversed.
日月失度, 时节反逆。
Bernard has fallen on evil days since he lost his job and his wife left him.
A few days later, the book was still missing. What was worse, Grandma lost.
In the Agencys three training centres, a total of686 instructors days were lost.
A few days earlier, the Liberals had lost one of their most glamorous politicians.
Have you seen Ann lately? She lost a lot of weight and is looking great these days.
Lost Zhang Che a few days ago, alas true regrettablly, bought insurance fortunately.
前几天丢了张车, 唉真可惜, 幸好买了保险。
Lost a girlfriend a few days ago, alas true regrettablly, did not marry fortunately.
前几天丢了个女朋友, 唉真可惜, 幸好没结婚。
Lost half lot a few days ago, alas true regrettablly, return remnant fortunately half.
前几天丢了半条命, 唉真可惜, 幸好还剩半条。
Already he had lost that ruddy bulk which had been added during the days of his prosperity.
Have the past eventful days, had lost, disappointed, has had the sunshine and the ambition.
忆往昔峥嵘岁月, 有过迷茫, 失望, 有过阳光与志向。
Since Maggie asked for a sick leave of three days , she should make up for her lost lessons.
因为玛吉请了三天病假, 所以她必须把落下的课补上。
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