单词 better year 例句大全,用单词better year造句:

They burn him in effigy to away the gloom and bring in a new, better year.
This year the whole nation has had better harvests than in the former years.
I hope everyone attains better results in their study and career in the new year.
On balance, the Arab world is in far better shape than it was less than a year ago.
退一步讲, 阿拉伯世界已经远远好于近一年前的状态了。
And thus the Nightshard becomes part of mine. A bad year is starting to get better.
暗夜碎片部落就这样被我收服了, 看来今年的运气来了。
Mr. Chen Really Wed better nip it in the bud now. Next year shell be in junior high.
Are they condemned like their now better managed flock to only be bought once a year
Ozils numbers this campaign are better than those he earned last year at Werder Bremen.
This year's late autumn harvest of crops is clearly better than that of the past two years.
In order to have a better harvest next year, the farmers are letting the fields lie fallow.
为了来年收成更好, 农民们正在修耕。
The5 year survival of patients with canceration in the mixed tumor is better than that in the adenocarcinoma.
Last year, one of my friends applied for a better job at her office. I did not think she would get it. I thought she had a hundred to one
一百比一, 指概率极高, 非常可能
He has sentenced his son to a last-chance senior year in prep school, which strikes him as a better, if more expensive, alternative to reform school.
Now i am eighty two years old. I have added one year to my actual age following our traditions that encourage talking things up to make a better appearance.
Last year around this time, I had been rejected from a job offer by a top company. I ended up working at a much smaller company. Today that “top company” is now about to go bankrupt, meanwhile our company is doing better than ever and I just got promoted. I guess it was a blessing in disguise.
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