单词 creamed 例句大全,用单词creamed造句:

The economy got absolutely creamed after the financial crisis.
在金融危机过后, 国家的经济遭到重创。
The most able pupils creamed off and put into special classes.
Our team got creamed in the semifinds so we didnt win a trophy.
我们队在半决赛时遭到重创, 所以我们赢不到奖牌。
Our team got creamed in the Simifinals so we didnt win a trophy.
我们队在几个半决赛中, 遭到重创, 没有赢得奖牌。
The most able pupils are creamed off and put into special classes.
They creamed off the top of the milk and made butter with this cream.
They creamed off the best students and sent them to a special school.
Hey, I can't believe your team was creamed before even entering the finals!
喂, 我不敢相信你们那一队还没进入决赛就输了。
How are you? Well, I'm usually better When I don't have creamed spinach all over me.
你好吗?,我还不错 如果身上没有菠菜膏的话。
She attempts to fatten her children up with potatoes, spaghetti, and creamed dishes.
Who knows Chinese traditional medicine discharges poison 7 had creamed in vain with! Good use
Into another container, sift together flour and baking powder and soda. Blend creamed ingredients gradually.

单词 creamed 释义

  • 单词释义:把…搅成糊状(或奶油状)混合物(cream的过去式与过去分词形式)  [更多..]



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