单词 current account 例句大全,用单词current account造句:

In accordance with your instructions we have deposited the money in your current account.
In accordance with your instructions we have deposited the money in your current account.
Farmer contracts contract money, it is to carry close an account of farmer current account.
农户承包合同款, 都是通过农户往来帐户结算。
After a brief respite last year, the US current account deficit appears to be growing again.
Analysis of Dynamic Relationship between the Fiscal Deficits and the Current Account in China
Sustained current account deficits are undesirable should be corrected by appropriate policies.
We will regard fixed account as a current account automatically at the time when it is matured.
Every day we have many current accounts, and every account withdraws money or makes some deposits.
每天我们有很多往来帐目, 每位帐户要就是取款, 或是存款。
Another round of huge increases in excess capacity and current account surpluses seems inevitable.
Sun Yue, taking into account the current physical condition, asas the team competition out of time.
考虑到孙悦目前的身体状况, 以及队内出场时间的竞争。
Sustained current account deficits are undesirable and should be corrected by appropriate policies.
Comment on Performance of Differential Protection Taking into Account Electronic Current Transducers
Responsible for the current account, the cash journal for review, archiving, such as job preparation.
Countries with severe and persistent current account deficits were allowed to devalue their currency.
One explanation could be that the private capital outflow from Asia offsets the current account surplus.
First, the UK's net international investment position is positive and its current account deficit modest.
The current system fails to take into account the essence of the young pupils and to adapt to their needs.
Additional, deficit of current account income and expenses and income difference still involve a few data.
另外, 收支往来帐户赤字和收益差还涉及一些数据。
We have credited your account in terms of RMB after conversion in accordance with current foreign exchange quotation.
按现行的外汇牌价, 我们转换为人民币并已贷记你方帐户。
If action to address a substantial current account deficit is taken, then the more obvious measures to consider include
In addition, many countries other than China are now running current account surpluses that have risen in recent years.
For the current financial period, support account funding has been approved by the General Assembly to address that need.
在本财政期间, 大会已为满足这一需求核批了支助账户经费。
You must be 18 or above before your bank will issue a check guarantee card and checkbook as part of a current account package.
For the moment, regulations limit offshore renminbi to currency with its origin in trade, in other words current account transactions.
New Words current adj. account n. giro n. credit n. standing adj. order n. direct a. debit n. demand n. calculate v. overdraft n. arrangement n. charge v.
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