单词 forward speed 例句大全,用单词forward speed造句:

full wire speed forward.
Speed our boat forward. It's getting dark.
使我们的小船快速前进, 天黑起来了。
Look forward to the day and speed its coming
The advance guard was pressing forward with all speed.
The camcorder winds the tape back or forward at high speed.
Function of Thighs' Actively Swinging Forward to Increase the Dash Speed
Calculating precision and speed of gravity anomaly by using several common forward formulas
Thus, the closing speed of valve should match closely with the speed of forward flow retard.
因此, 阀门的关闭速度应该与顺流减速的速度相一致。
A Boundary Element Method for the Potential Problem of a Ship Moving Forward at Constant Speed
A driven method of extruders by variable speed switched reluctance motor drive is put forward.
If the pulling force is equal to the friction, the car will continue forward at the same speed.
如果牵引力等于摩擦力, 车子将匀速前进。
Forward error correction is the major technique for implementation of high speed long haul optical fiber communications.
And the other way around, if you increase the speed of rotor three and decrease the speed of rotor one, then the robot pitches forward.
反之亦然 当三号螺旋桨加速 一号减速时 飞行器就向前倒
In view of the drawbacks existed in speed regulation of electrical locomotive with series resistance, the transformation of chopping speed regulation is put forward.
Detemination of the inside and outside diameter ratio of quarts tubes by forward scattering light field Prediction of Tumble Speed in Cylinder of Spark Ignition Engines.
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单词 forward speed 释义

  • 单词释义:前进速度,正车速度  [更多..]



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