单词 hurry down 例句大全,用单词hurry down造句:

Nick gulped down his dinner in a hurry.
He honked to hurry me up down the stairs.
He was in no hurry to walk down the aisle.
They belted down the loose cables in a hurry.
Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight.
圣可爱的人 和匆忙下今晚的烟囱。
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight.
David watched him hurry down the drive to his car.
大卫看见他匆忙地通过车道, 来到车前。
He put the chalk down and left the meeting room in a hurry.
She came down to breakfast in a hurry, not having brushed her teeth.
她匆匆忙忙地下楼吃早饭, 连牙也没刷。
The ushers hurry up and down the aisle, beckoning people to their seats.
引座员在通道中来来回回, 引领人们到座位上去了。
Then he sat down next to Voisin and began to write, carefully, without hurry, a thin legible hand.
Buddhist monk rush, down seat come it in a hurry, fire hall of him let, ask him work under the kitchen immediately.
僧徒急忙将其赶下座来, 随即罢免了他的堂任, 叫他厨下干活。
Although the wait at the apex is only about 10 seconds it seems an eternity since you know the only way out of this situation is straight down, and in a hurry.
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单词 hurry down 释义

  • 单词释义:赶快下来,迅速下来  [更多..]



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